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A 'Throwaway' Society


As a society we throw away vast amounts of stuff unnecessarily; even things with almost nothing wrong which could get a new lease of life with a simple repair. The knowledge and ability to repair and ‘make do and mend’ have been lost over the years and valuable practical skills are not being passed down the generations. Most of our waste goes to landfill and recycling options are often limited. Manufacturing new products and recycling old ones causes CO2 to be released. Our 'throwaway' society, fuelled by over-consumption and cheap goods, is not sustainable.


Our Skills Workshops are taught by specialists in textile and clothing, furniture, and bicycle maintenance and repair. By participating in one of our Skills Workshops you will be taking steps towards creating a more sustainable society through learning to fix your own belongings instead of throwing away and buying new.


Developing our fixing skills together not only helps reduce CO2 emissions and the amount of waste going to landfill. It's also a great way to relax, have fun and make friends!

                                              Bike Repair


Andy Bradshaw


"Bicycle maintenance can seem like a mystic art if you haven't had any experience of it - this can be dispelled very easily with a few basics!


If you have any bicycle issues or even just want to know what condition your bike is in, then bring it along for us to check over and potentially acquire some of those basics to help you keep it in good shape.


I've been involved with bicycles since my youth, building them, racing them, breaking them, repairing them...sometimes for myself and sometimes for others, sometimes paid, sometimes not. I've worked as a cycle mechanic on and off over the years and recently have set-up Radler Bike Maintenance in East Linton after nearly a decade of working in the wind energy sector."

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Mark James


"Keeping your bike roadworthy makes cycling more enjoyable. Regular checks and minor maintenance helps your bike to run smoothly and avoid potential problems. Having a basic level of knowledge will increase your confidence to use your bike regularly and ride your bike further afield.


I have been fettling bikes for over 40 years. I have a Weldtech (now Velotech) Gold qualification, and just as importantly have maintained a shed full of bikes. I have run Dr Bike sessions and basic bike maintenance workshops for Sustaining Dunbar and volunteered at the Bike Station.


Look forward to passing on my knowledge. Come along and learn by doing."

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Fixing for a future
east linton tool Library

The Mart
East Linton
EH40 3DN
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