Today we fixed...
1 wooden duck, 3 pairs garden shears, 1 brooch, 1 record player, 6 sewing machines, 2 iPads, 3 chairs, 2 necklaces, 6 kitchen knives, 1 slide projector,
2 kettles, 1 pair trousers, 2 jumpers, 1 pair of boots, 2 pairs of earrings, 1 axe, 1 toy gun, 1 walker, 1 lamp, 2 coats, 1 pillowcase, 1 bathroom stool, 1 toaster,
1 dress, 1 deep fat fryer and 1 music system!
That's an incredible 46 items!
Thank you, as always, to our fantastic volunteer team - including our new volunteers, Rosie, Grace and Katie, who wholeheartedly embraced our experiment in running a Clothes Swap!
Loads of clothes swapped and what remained will be used at our textile workshops, up-cycled, made into cushions, name it!
We'll be back on Saturday 9th March with our usual Repair Café, plus activities table and clothes swap for children. Hope to see you there!
You don't need to have something to repair. Tea, coffee, home-baking and a warm welcome guaranteed!