Inspired by International Repair Day
Fixing for a Future invites adults and children across East Lothian to:
Design a Repair Robot
Write a poem on the theme of Repair
2 Categories:
Repair Robot
Robot must be annotated and include a brief description
What can your robot repair and how does it work?
Repair Poem
Poem can be any length or form and must focus on the theme of Repair
It doesn't have to rhyme!
Adult: Annual membership to East Linton Tool Library
Children: 2 inspiring environmental books - Kids Fight Plastic and Kids Fight Extinction
Send entries to fixingforafuture@gmail.com by Wednesday 26th October
(You can take a photo or scan your image or poem)
Or send by post to: Repair Day Competition, East Linton Primary School, School Road, East Linton EH40 3AJ
Details to include
Full name
Category (adult or children)
Contact email address
All submissions will be displayed at our next Repair Café on Saturday 29th October at East Linton Community Hall - Full details here
The winners will be selected by votes from attendees at the Repair Café
Help us promote and celebrate the value of fixing!